Camping Program 

Hanover  Outdoor Training Camp (HOT Camp)

This is an outdoor skills and survival training camp for master guide trainees and pathfinders from Hanover.

Campers must be part of a pathfinder club or master guide training center and will be grouped accordingly under the direct supervision of their  respective officers. Each such club/Center will bring its own supplies and equipment and arrange its own meals.

Campers will be organized into separate units for activity and instruction sessions.

Instruction will be spearheaded by a specially trained team of outdoor instructors, and the program will accommodate the full master guide and pathfinder outdoor training requirements.

Drum Corps & Drill Training camp

This is specially for drum Corps and drill squad members, and covers a diverse program profile addressing both disciplines.

It is open to drum corps and drill squads from West Jamaica Conference, but over the years we have been favored with participation from representatives from East Jamaica Conference. This year the camp will be held in November at a venue to be announced.

Environmental Camp & WOLF Camp

These camps are coordinated by the WJC Master Guide Association. Environmental camp is held over the Labor Day weekend in May, and WOLF Camp is usually held over the last weekend in October.

Only invested master guides and master guide trainees may attend.